Introduction to Securing the Cities (STC)


The Securing the Cities program is a competitive grant issued by the Department of Homeland Security- Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office to cities containing large populations and substantial critical infrastructure of a national interest.  The grant provides equipment, training and planning support to develop a robust regional program aimed at the detection and interdiction of illicit radiological and nuclear material.

Over two thousand law enforcement officers in the region have been trained and equipped to detect material that could be used to make a radiological dispersion device or improvised nuclear weapon.  Detection equipment is being deployed on personnel, vehicles, aircraft and watercraft to effectively ring the region with a radiological/nuclear (rad/nuc) detection capability.  While effectively enhancing public safety with newly deployed equipment, no impact to daily operations will occur.



If you need to report suspicious behavior, please click on the link below:



For information on other programs within the region, click on the link below:

This site is designed to provide quick access to local and national information on disaster preparedness. The Ready Houston program has produced  videos on a variety of topics related to emergency preparedness. Local agencies provide training that helps citizens prepare. Our partners are also a valuable source of information.



For questions about the Securing the Cities program, please use the Contact form.